I regularly get emails from people wishing to go into the voiceover industry after someone tells them they have a "nice voice".
For those that wish to get into this industry there is a lot of information to wade through on the internet.
This industry is wide and varied and differs from country to country. But the essential tenets of the industry are the same no matter where you're located.
There is any number of credible books and reports you can read about this.
A couple are Susan Berkley’s Six Insider Secrets… Free Ebook available from the Great Voice Company at www.greatvoice.com
Another professional in the voiceover industry Peter O'Connell has just released a book called "The Voiceover Entrance Exam".
This is a free ebook as well available from his website at http://www.audioconnell.com
I recommend these both as they have been written from the perspective of voiceover professionals wishing to help newbies get into the industry.